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Monday, June 20, 2011

Know More Blood Thinner

If you have heart disease or varicose veins, chances are you have a risk of blood clots. Because the heart of the sick are usually less able to pump blood strongly. As a result, blood flow will slow. This sort of thing increases the chances of "blood clot" in the liver. Blood clotting is affected by varicose veins in your legs also can slow blood flow, thus allowing the occurrence of "blood clot" as well.

If you are injured, certain proteins in the blood type is commonly called blood clotting factors, will work with beads of red blood for blood freeze. Blood clotting or coagulation is often called the function to protect you from the possibility of excessive bleeding (hemorrhage).

Anticoagulants will work with the way the factors of "change" freezing, their interaction, or both. Thus, anticoagulation would reduce the ability to freeze the blood. Or more simply known as blood thinners. Anticoagulation is what will help prevent blood clotting.

Who Needs It ?

If you go to the doctor, the doctor will usually prescribe blood thinners if you experience abnormal heart rhythm (irregular), called atrial fibrillation. The situation in which the heart beats irregularly, and may increase the risk of stroke. Why is that ? Because blood has been frozen seems to form a space (space) in your hearts.

Then, free and go to the brain.

Also, if you have an "artificial heart valves." Blood clotting is a "complication" is very common, and cause of death in those who live by depending on an artificial heart valve.

If you include those with heart valves of metal or plastic, then you will need ongoing blood thinners.

If you suffer from heart valve disease, then you also need blood-thinning medication. Heart valves that have been narrowed down to enlarge or shrink the actual space of the heart behind it, so it is this which can cause blood to clot. If the clot is broken and moved to the brain, then this would be dangerous for you. The possibility of emigration is a blood clot to the brain, can occur between 10 to 20 percent

in those with rheumatic heart disease.

Also in people with hardening of the blood of patients (atherosclerosis). In those who suffer from atherosclerosis, which resembles a fat deposition can accumulate in the arteries, and causes the cork or the formation of plaque.

If the plaque in diseased arteries damaged, blood clotting can occur.

Furthermore, if the clot inhibiting and blocking the blood flow in the arteries, then heart attack or stroke will occur.

Blood clots can also cause what is called unstable angina, or sudden heart attack. If you are having a heart attack, then you have the risk to have a "blood clot" for several weeks.

The older you are, or more often a heart attack occurs, the greater your risk of blood clots in the heart or blood vessels in the legs.

Inflammation and clotting in blood vessels (tromboplebitis), also in desperate need of blood thinners. The disorder can occur, because the break was too long in bed can cause this tromboplebitis. If the veins are also infected, then the blood clot can break off and move to the lungs (pulmonary embolism


Types of Blood Thinner

Blood thinners are most widely used among others Heparin. Heparin contains a type of protein called fibrinogen, which is one of the substances needed for the formation of blood clots. While the lump is formed, fibrinogen is converted into a network like a spider's web, called fibrin, which will bind the clumps.

Heparin works by "slow" or "block" the development of blood clots, which prevents the clotting fibrin.

Warfarin contain vitamin K, which helps blood clotting. Warfarin is used orally will be able to block the activity of vitamin K

, so that the proteins necessary to freeze the blood becomes inactive.

In addition, aspirin is also used. How it works to prevent blood grain activity.

Beads of blood is part of the circulating blood cells and helps the formation of clots in areas where there is injury or bleeding.

Aspirin can also help prevent blood clots associated with "heart attack" or angina, coronary artery bypass surgery, stroke, or transient ischemic attack (stroke warning signs


Side Effects and Warnings

Although blood thinners is "defense" is pretty good against the complications of blood clotting, but there are risks. A tendency to bleed in a "side effect" of the use of Heparin or Warfarin


But please note, that aspirin can also cause internal bleeding.

However, during the dose in accordance with the instructions, then the risk is very small.

Aspirin rarely cause severe bleeding. Aspirin or a similar compound (ibuproven

) are not usually used in conjunction with other blood thinners, because it can increase bleeding.

Diet, alcohol, and certain drugs can affect the blood-thinning benefits. So, if your doctor prescribes blood thinners, make sure you ask this problem.

Okay guys, got here first....
Hopefully there is no benefit....!!!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Do not Wait Thirst for Drinking Water !

Basically, humans can live without food up to forty days. But without a drink, most only lasts four days. Of course such a condition in an emergency. And not done as often as possible. In ordinary circumstances, should not have to wait for thirst to drink. Like the earth, our bodies were a majority made up of water. Lack of water is continuously, although only slightly, can cause the organs in the body we will experience dysfunction.

All body functions start from some body of water consumed. Lack of water will cause some disruption, because most of the organs of the body consists of water. In the human body, lungs, consisting of 90 percent water, blood 82 percent consists of water, the skin consists of 80 percent water, muscles 75 percent consists of water, the brain is 70 percent composed of water, and bone 22 percent consists of water.

If our bodies are short of water two percent, it will can cause lethargy and various symptoms of fatigue, four percent will result in joint pain and sore muscles, resulting in excessive sweating six percent, eight percent resulting in hallucinations, and ten percent can result in fainting. 

Then how do I measure the water needs of a person ? Simply put, in adults with normal activities, requires about two liters of water a day, or about eight glassesBut that amount does not include coffee or tea or other colored drinks. Even if someone drinks coffee or tea is more than two cups, then have to drink more water. Why is that ? Because drinking coffee or tea are diuretics, which increase the desire to defecate.

Along with the increased activity, the need for water also increased. Some causes of dehydration in people with active exercise including athletes is because of lack of fluid intake, excessive perspiration, the body's failure to replace fluids (ions of the body) that is lost during and after exercise, and drinking habits only when it comes time to thirsty (thirst). Until eventually we lack body fluids, and there is no substitute for the missing body ions.

For that, make it a habit to drink water as the fulfillment of the best hydration before you feel thirsty. Included also during exercise. There are some simple ways we can do to monitor the need for hydration during exercise. For example, by weighing the body before and after exercise, and observe the color and volume of urine. If the urine is light colored, then it's well hydrated. But if the urine is dark yellow, it means you are dehydrated.

Every time you lose weight, such as two percent of your weight, then try to drink water. But if your weight increases after exercise, there is a chance you too much to drink.

But remember, no sports, not everyone takes the form of isotonic fluids or sports drinks on the condition of normal activity. Someone need sports drinks if you do sports activities for more than two days, intense exercise such as cycling, running, and others.

Water is also really useful as endurance. If you do not want to be sick, then try to always meet the needs of around eight glasses of water every dayImmunity produced by the body. The body consists of 70 percent waterSo if there is no water, then the immune system would not exist. Including when a fever, let alone children. One way we have to do is to provide water to help strengthen the immune system.

It is ironic to get sick if only because of lack of drinking. Though drinking is very easy. Especially those who do not want to drink just because lazy urination. If you already suffer from kidney, then feel that urination is something to be grateful.

When pregnant and lactating women also need extra water about 300-400 cc every day beyond the two-liter (eight glasses) of water at ordinary people. While in women who are breastfeeding, it takes about 700 cc of water as an extra.

Okay guys, got here first....
Hopefully there is no benefit....!!!

Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Do not Let Eye We Being Tired !

Rays entering through the cornea and transmitted by the lens onto the retina, which is located behind the eye. Optic nerve carries information about the objects we see it from the retina to the brain. Four small muscles to move their eyes their duties according to our needs.

The eyes are like camera work automatic. Rays are coming from the object into the eye through the lens. The lens is very flexible and will be moved by small muscles, so that the shadows of objects precisely centered in the back of the eye.

Iris (iris of the eye) location was in front of the lens. His job is not much different as the camera diaphragm, which prevents the amount of light entering the eye. While in the back of the eye is the retina, which is a collection of nerve fibers that can transmit messages to the brain. The message is usually a number and color of the incoming rays.

The retina is actually not much different as the film in a camera. The most sensitive part of the retina is called the fovea, which was situated in the center of the retina. When you see an object, the shadow of an object is focused on the fovea, so that these objects can be clearly seen.

Like the camera, the eyes also have to be really precise proportions. Once off one millimeter closer or more distant, the shadows of these objects can not be centered properly on the retina. The accuracy of these actually have to be really awake since humans are born (when the eye length is about 14 millimeters) to adulthood (when the eye length is approximately 24 millimeters).

Daily Disturbance In the Eye

As a gift, a very vital organs for humans is often lack of reasonable attention. The things that cause the eyes disturbed often ignored. In fact, without eyes, life is a narrow and torture. Have you heard the story of Helen Kehler famous ?

Disturbance, for example, in determining the distance reading. In order not hurt the eyes, read a healthy distance is approximately 30 centimeters. In addition, at the time of reading, lighting should also be sufficient and adequate. But usually precisely this sort of thing that often do most people.

Unfortunately, since little things like that too often condoned by parents. When adult, the child would suffer. Because, chances are he has to wear glasses or even have surgery. Too bad if the eye becomes blind.

Another bad behavior is the time to watch television. A good distance is about 3 meters. But, in reality, not a few children who watch television a distance of only 1 meter course, even closer. Especially when I'm busy playing games.

When using or playing computer games, eye health was often overlooked (less attention). And also, to see distant objects, objects or object that you want to see really can not be longer than 6 feet. But even this is often violated.

Beginning of the disturbance caused by some bad behavior is the occurrence of fatigue in the eye. Unfortunately, even then not receive appropriate attention. In fact, a lot of eye medications are available at pharmacies or shops.

My advice, provide eye drops in the medicine cabinet. Because the eye drops were very helpful to treat tired eyes. For example, after after swimming, long trips, after reading the book, or after watching television in a long time, and others.

Remember guys, do not let our eyes in a state of exhaustion. Because, if we leave too often or often we let it, it can lead to eye health disorders are more serious.You do not want, right ?

Okay guys, got here first....
Hopefully there are benefits !

Thursday, April 21, 2011

7 Benefits of Plant Tasbih (Canna Indica)

Actually classified Tasbih wild plants. Plants are named latin Canna Indica, the wild life in the forests and mountains. However, this plant can be utilized as an ornamental plant and in the pages of the courtyard house and city parks.

Plants are also often called Canna Flowers, and some are in an area called Tasabe, derived from the tropical Americas. This plant is also able to survive in the lowlands up to an altitude of 1,000 meters above sea level.

This Tasbih plant sweet, its cool. Even the tubers are very nutritious for conditioning, for relief of fever (antipyretic), for urine (diuretic), for a sedative (tranquilizer), and also to lower blood pressure (hypotensive). Even the flowers were believed to hemostatis.

Rhizome of this plant contain a substance Tasbih phenol, two terpenes, four coumarin, starch, glucose, fats, alkaloids, and sap. The leaves contain tannins and sulfur. Its rhizome is very good if used to overcome the interference of fever, high blood pressure, chronic dysentery, hemorrhoids, and acute inflammation of the liver accompanied by jaundice. That it is also to cope with whitish.

Example Usage :

1. Whitish
For vaginal discharge, do, wash 20 grams of root or rhizome of this Tasbih interest to clean, and 15-30 grams of dried pomegranate skin. Then boil all these ingredients with two cups of water until the remaining one cup. Then filtered. And after a cold, drink once daily.

2. Hemorrhoid
For hemorrhoid, 40 grams of root wash Tasbih interest is clean. Then boiled in two cups of water until the leaves one glass. Then filter the water, then drink at the same time once a day.

3. Chronic Dysentery
For chronic dysentery, have a root or rhizome 15-30 grams of dried flowers Tasbih (dried), or 30-60 grams if the condition of fresh (not dried). Then boil all these ingredients with 2.5 cups water until the remaining one cup, then do not forget the cooking water is filtered. Then drink once in a single day.

4. Menstruation Too Much, Head of Dizziness (Vertigo), and Cough Dengue
Wash 20 grams of root or rhizome Tasbih interest, and 15-30 grams of dried pomegranate skin. Then boil all ingredients with two cups of water until the remaining one cup, and filtered. Then taken once daily.

5. Acne (Acne Vulgaris)
For acne problems, how, puree of fresh ginger root or flower Tasbih it sparingly. Then paste on the affected area or acne.

6. Gynecology Cancer
For uterine cancer, wash it clean about 60 grams of root Tasbih flowers, 60 grams of pearl grass (Hedyotis Corimbosa), and 50 grams of leaves (Andrographis Paniculata). And boil with 3 cups water to 1.5 cups is spared. Strain the cooking water, then divided into two sections to be taken twice daily.

7. Stopping Bleeding
To stop bleeding, how pretty easy, which is boiled 10-15 grams and 60 grams of flowers Tasbih rhizome lotus root with two cups of water until the water remains one glasses. Then the cooking water is filtered, and drink as well once a day.

Okay friends,
May be useful....!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Do You Have a Problem with Acne ?

Acne is a condition in which the clogged skin pores causing the inflamed pus sac. Acne is a skin disease that quite a large number of sufferers. Kligmann, a researcher at the world renowned acne problem argues, "No one else in the world who go through life without a pimple on his skin"Possible cause is hormonal changes that stimulate oil glands in the skin. Other hormonal changes can lead to acne is the menstrual period, pregnancy, use of birth control pills, and stress.

Incidence Causes Acne :

1. Excessive Oil Production
Acne not only comes from dirty, but rather due to factors from within the body. Acne is an abnormal condition of the skin due to excessive production of oil gland disorders (sebaceus gland) which causes blockage of hair follicles channels and pores of the skin. The most common cause of acne is hormonal, a pile of oil or sebum in the skin in collaboration with the bacteria.

2. Dead Skin Cells
In general, acne is caused by excess oil glands as androgen hormones produced viable. Acne is caused by excess oil glands are mixed with dead skin cells. When skin cells were mixed with the already increased the amount of sebum, the mixture is thick and sticky it can form a plug that into black spots or white. Many people assume that acne attacks only the face, but acne can also attack other parts of the body, such as in the back, chest and upper arms.

3. Effect of Bacteria
What makes the problem more complicated, this bacteria usually present in the skin, called p.acne, which tend to proliferate in the blocked sebaceous glands, which produce substances that cause irritation to the surrounding area. The gland continues to swell, and may be broken, then spread the inflammation to the skin surrounding areas. This is what causes acne stone species most likely, that leave long-term pigmentation and scars are permanent, such as smallpox.

4. Cosmetic Effect
Pore ​​blockage often occurs by the use of cosmetics that contain much oil, or the use of powder blend with the foundation. Foundation is contained in the powder causes the powder easily clog the pores.

5. Effect of Drugs
Consumption of corticosteroid medications, either orally (oral medications) or topical (ointment), which resulted in decreased immune system, also increases the potential for acne due to increased activity of pathogenic bacteria.

Acne Types :

1. Blackheads
Blackheads are actually clog pores, can be open or closed. Open comedones (blackhead), looks like an enlarged pores and blackened. The closed comedones (whiteheads) have skin that grows over the clogged pores, so that looks like small white bumps. Acne types of blackheads is caused by dead skin cells and excessive secretion of oil glands in the skin.

2. Common Acne
This type of acne is easily recognized, small pink bumps or redness. Occurs because of clogged pores become infected by bacteria. Bacteria that can infect the washcloth, makeup brushes, fingers, also the phone. Stress, hormones and the humid air, can increase the likelihood of the formation of acne.

3. Acne Stone (Cystic Acne)
Cystic acne is acne which were large, with severe inflammation, gathered around the face. People with cystic acne are usually also have close relatives who suffer from this type of acne. Genetically sufferers have :
  • An over-active oil glands which flood the pores with oil glands.
  • The growth of skin cells that are not normally can not regenerate as fast as normal skin.
  • Having an excessive response to inflammation, so leave a mark on the skin.

How to Overcome Acne :

Acne is a skin disease that usually attacks the face. Dealing with acne should not be indiscriminate. In general, facial skin care principles as follows :
  1. Your face should always be clean at rest at home.
  2. Avoid the use of cosmetic makeup during sleep.
  3. The need different cleaners for dry skin with oily skin or normal skin, and vice versa.
  4. Clean the face is different in the afternoon in the morning.

That's it, man....
Hopefully there are benefits !

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